since receiving my first order of barefoot books i am happily reinstating our strict bedtime routine of two stories and snuggles, and not because i look forward to toddler bedtime but because i'm excited and inspired, once again, to offer my child something solid and structured at the end of our busy days *and* most importantly it no longer feels like a chore. i had been reading several "character" books that were beyond dull and trite. it was difficult for me to trudge through the storyline and my three year old could probably sense my lack of enthusiasm. i think the lack of rich, engaging stories is one reason i so easily abandoned our storytime for scrubs re-runs after i had the baby.
but now i honestly have a set of books that we will share over and over again, that will grow with my children. for the past four nights, i have read from the barefoot book of pirates or storytree and each night my three year old has said, "i just love these books."
i know that as my younger two children grow, the stories won't grow old and boring, but rather more rich and meaningful as if they're hearing them for the first time.
i love that i don't have to "pre-screen" the books to make sure there's nothing inappropriate in the plot. in fact, i was slightly worried about the pirate book at first, but quickly found that each story was actually quite heartwarming with heroics and morals, not just needless pirate violence.
i am currently awaiting a pretty large order and the illustrations in the books i just received are so wonderful i wish i had ordered more hardcovers. the variety of authors and illustrators is a booklovers dream and with their current holiday sale, there's no reason not to get acquainted with barefoot books and introduce them to the children in your life, whether they're already avid readers or you'd like to instill a love of learning and reading. until december 15th, enjoy 30%off and free shipping with no minimum order.

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